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Test Taking Assistance for Seventh Grade


Test Taking Assistance

Links verified 8/25/2020

  1. Interactive Quizzes for Grade Seven - These seventh grade study activities cover Reading and Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
  2. FCAT Released Tests - Sample questions for 7th grade math.
  3. Grade Seven English/Language Arts - This 114 question multiple-choice exam was released by California in 2008 An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  4. Grade Seven Math Test Online TAKS - This forty-eight question multiple-choice exam is graded online
  5. Grade Seven Mathematics - This 80 question exam was released by California - answers are included || 96 Question Exam with Answers || An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  6. Interactive Online Quizzes - CCSS aligned by individual concept.
  7. Mathematics Test Book - This forty-four question seventh grade exam was released by Florida in 2006
  8. New York State Education Department:2006-2010 - 7th grade Language Arts tests plus scoring guide in .pdf format An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  9. New York State Education Department:2006-2010 - 7th grade Math tests plus scoring guide in .pdf format An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  10. New York State Testing Page - comprehensive set of links to a variety of tests, including seventh grade tests
  11. Printable Tests - CCSS aligned
  12. Seventh Grade Practice Reading Test - Two stories to read, eight questions to answer for each story.
  13. Test Prep: 7th Grade Math - EdHelper provides this forty question multiple choice math test to print. A bubble sheet is provided as well as an answer key.
  14. Virginia State Standards of Learning: Science, Math and Technology Practice Tests - Select Math 7 and the number of questions you want; five, ten, twenty, or forty

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